Markdown Syntax Guide
This is a guide that’s also written in Markdown, a guide that has some important and useful syntax for markdown if you can’t remember it all:
- Referencing to other link
- Creating sub list like this:
- Sub level
- And many more
Before starting, I will use md to denote markdown
1 Making tables
If you need to code out tables in md, like to represent some csv like object or anything that needs table, try the following:
Header for column 1 | Header for column 2 | …. | Header for column n |
This text is left-aligned | This text is center-aligned | This one nothing | This one is right-aligned |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Notice above, creating table is easy, simply use:
### First row is always header or column name, and it should be spanned like
<col_name here> | , use two bars to separate
### Then the next row is to determine how that column's content is to be aligned
### By Default it is left-aligned
| ----- | , the amount of - doesnt matter, markdown automatically fixes for you when rendered
This above is to do left aligned and equivalent to | :--- |, again amount of - DO NOT matter
`-` wrap in two `:`. one left and one right just like `:-:`
| :----: | , you need
`-` with `:` to the right of the `-`.
| -----: |, you need
Then you can just fill up the table as you like.
In summary, the “|-|” is used for indicate the table and “:” is used for indicate the text alignment. If |:-| entered that is a left aligned text column. If |-:| entered that is a right aligned text and if |:-:| entered that is a centre aligned.