
Useful commands in Linux Bash

This page contains useful? or maybe essential tips for Linux usage. Still under development

1 Change passwords for users

The bash passwd command is used to change password for user in the system,altough you need sudo access to do so:

passwd [username]

If no username where provided, it would change the password for the current log-on user.

2 Linux Install Package guide

To install package in Linux, i.e. *.rpm packages through terminal, use the Alien utility like below:

First copy the *.rpm file to WSL:

cp /mnt/c/Users/<your_username>/Downloads/<the_package.rpm> ~, where ~ should be the root path or /home/username of the WSL

then in your WSL terminal:

apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential

NOTE: This above might ask you to use sudo access, simply add sudo before the command: sudo apt-get ... build-essential.

Then after installing alien, prompt in the following:

alien <package_name>.rpm

And finally install it:

dpkg -i package_name.deb

2.1 Upgrade packages

Use the following command to see if there are any package upgradable:

apt list --upgradable

And to update those packages:

apt-get upgrade, after this command, it would ask you to upgrade or not [Y/n] and telling you any additional spaces it might requires

2.2 Issues in installing

If your apt-get install <package_name> is failing, check if you have any typo, CASE_SENSITVE, otherwise update your apt by:

sudo apt update